Category Archives: Health and Medical

Health and Medical

Things to know about psychotherapy

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Things to know about psychotherapy

This article contains almost everything you need to know about Psychotherapy. Let’s term with defining the term first.

Psychotherapy is based on a continuous relationship between a client and his or her therapist. A person and his therapist discuss the aspects of their lives that they feel they wish to improve in a highly confidential place.

Psychotherapy is provided by a variety of mental health professionals.

1. Social workers

2. Psychotherapists.

3. Counselors who are licensed, experienced, and qualified

4. Psychotherapists

5. Marriage counsellors

6. Increasing the number of psychologists in the field

7. Psychologists who work with teenagers

People usually have a discussion on the following subjects, depending on their therapist, the type of treatment, and their individual needs.

  • Background and personal matters
  • Emotions
  • Interactions
  • Ways of thinking
  • Routines and actions
  • Objectives and obstacles

Different kinds of Psychotherapy

  • Psychodynamic therapy: Psychodynamic therapy is a type of treatment that helps or guides people in understanding how past events may be affecting their mental health and physical status in the present.
  • Perception conduct therapy: Perception conduct therapy is a type of therapy that assists a person in identifying unfavorable thinking processes.
  • After that, a person studies how to replace those specific beliefs and behavior with the ones who are in good health
  • Personal or social therapy: Personal or social therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on resolving conflicts in a person’s social, professional, or personal life. It helps a person improve their communication abilities and form positive interpersonal relationships.
  • Psychoanalysis: This type of therapy is based on Sigmund Freud’s thesis and postulates. This therapy means analyzing the hidden and unconscious desires and encouragements that may be influencing a person’s relationships, beliefs, and conduct, among other things.

Psychotherapy can be conducted individually or over the internet. Psychotherapy is sometimes done in a private place, and most of the time it is done in a group setting. Families seeking psychotherapy can go together for this. Your therapist may adapt the therapy to meet your needs by using procedures or approaches from a variety of sources. Furthermore, only a few therapists specialize in certain approaches such as art or animal therapy.

If a person is facing issues in his relation, he can go for couple counselling Dubai and if you are living in Dubai then there are few best recommended psychotherapist in Dubai. Click below to find more information about them.

Health and Medical

Don’t skip your gynecologist appointments – Here’s why!

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“Don’t spend money on the fees of the best gynecologist in Dubai after every few months”, that’s what most of the women say to other women!

Majority of the people think that gynecologist has a task of doing deliveries and taking the baby out of the mothers’ bodies but in actual they can help you in ample tasks and problems. There are many reasons why you should visit the gynecologist every year. Some of them are:

Physical Health: Gynecologists are not meant to carry out pregnancies and deliveries. Gynecology is a vast field that includes everything about hormonal levels, its effects on mental and physical health and other things. Therefore, it is important to have a checkup from a gynecologist once a year to know what is your BMI and physical health overall. 

Menstruation: No one can guide you well and tell you well except gynecologist if you have extreme pain or cramps during menstruation or irregular periods. It is the gynecologist who will give you the reason why you do not have periods for a few months and what will be the consequences of it blood flow and what medicines and cures are there for it. They will give better medicines according to your health and situation. 

Breast examination: As the time is passing, the cases of breast cancers are increasing. Besides cancer, there are many other diseases and disorders of breasts and gynecologists have solutions for every problem and disorder. They will examine your breasts and tell you what the health of it is and give you guidelines and tips to take care of yourselves. 

Pelvic examination: Women are recommended to have pelvic examination annually after they get 21 years old to know how the health of their pelvis and if there is any problem or chance of getting any disease. The doctors advise people who have irregular periods, the problems of infertility and vaginal discharge to visit the gynecologist at all costs!

Sexual Health: Many women have cramps and feel pain while having sex which means that their sexual health is not well. At many, they do take painkillers but painkillers have side-effects on other organs and body parts. Therefore, women should visit gynecologists after every six to twelve months to know about their sexual health.  

Pregnancy: Every women desire to become a mother but many of the women face difficulties during fertilization and gestation. They might face problems due to follicle tubes and other reasons and gynecologists have solutions and alternatives to make the pregnancy less painful. Besides, they can help couples in birth control and give them guidelines regarding it!

Apart from these reasons, a gynecologist can also help you with stretch marks laser treatment in Dubai.

Health and Medical

The best-ever maternity tips that can change your life

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Believe it or not, we all must know that pregnancy for some people is not so rewarding and a delightful experience; in fact, it is one of the most disturbing and draining experiences for some people. Therefore, we must know that nothing is more important for all pregnant mothers than taking safety and precautionary measures to make pregnancy easier and smooth in the best way possible. There is no doubt in the fact with the help of some of the best and effective tips one can make pregnancy smooth hassle-free in the best way possible. 

Certainly, life after conceiving a baby can become extremely troublesome and problematic. Therefore, we need to know that knowing some of the best and helpful tips for making the pregnancy easier and convenient would be a great idea. However, the fact of the matter is that people encounter problems during pregnancy while some face problems and difficulties after giving birth to the baby. Thus, it would not be wrong that coming up with some of the best and effective tips and strategies would help people in making their journey smooth and trouble-free. However, the fact of the matter is that some of the best and effective tips that can help people during pregnancy are mentioned below. 

First of all, we must know that nothing is more important for all of us than finding and hiring the best private nurse in Dubai in order to deal with all sorts of problems and difficulties during and after the pregnancy. It would certainly help you in a number of ways and make your life smooth in the best way possible. Here are some other helpful and effective tips that would help people in making life after the baby smooth and trouble-free. 

  1. Certainly, taking care of your diet during and after pregnancy can help you in taking care of the baby in the best way possible. Thus, all new moms must eat and stay healthy.
  2. We all would agree with the fact that the best and exceptional nanny can help moms in taking care of the baby without any trouble and difficulty in the best way possible. 
  3. There is no doubt in the fact that taking antenatal classes Dubai is the most important thing for all new and expecting moms. It would help them in getting through pregnancy in the best way possible.