Health and Medical

Don’t skip your gynecologist appointments – Here’s why!

“Don’t spend money on the fees of the best gynecologist in Dubai after every few months”, that’s what most of the women say to other women!

Majority of the people think that gynecologist has a task of doing deliveries and taking the baby out of the mothers’ bodies but in actual they can help you in ample tasks and problems. There are many reasons why you should visit the gynecologist every year. Some of them are:

Physical Health: Gynecologists are not meant to carry out pregnancies and deliveries. Gynecology is a vast field that includes everything about hormonal levels, its effects on mental and physical health and other things. Therefore, it is important to have a checkup from a gynecologist once a year to know what is your BMI and physical health overall. 

Menstruation: No one can guide you well and tell you well except gynecologist if you have extreme pain or cramps during menstruation or irregular periods. It is the gynecologist who will give you the reason why you do not have periods for a few months and what will be the consequences of it blood flow and what medicines and cures are there for it. They will give better medicines according to your health and situation. 

Breast examination: As the time is passing, the cases of breast cancers are increasing. Besides cancer, there are many other diseases and disorders of breasts and gynecologists have solutions for every problem and disorder. They will examine your breasts and tell you what the health of it is and give you guidelines and tips to take care of yourselves. 

Pelvic examination: Women are recommended to have pelvic examination annually after they get 21 years old to know how the health of their pelvis and if there is any problem or chance of getting any disease. The doctors advise people who have irregular periods, the problems of infertility and vaginal discharge to visit the gynecologist at all costs!

Sexual Health: Many women have cramps and feel pain while having sex which means that their sexual health is not well. At many, they do take painkillers but painkillers have side-effects on other organs and body parts. Therefore, women should visit gynecologists after every six to twelve months to know about their sexual health.  

Pregnancy: Every women desire to become a mother but many of the women face difficulties during fertilization and gestation. They might face problems due to follicle tubes and other reasons and gynecologists have solutions and alternatives to make the pregnancy less painful. Besides, they can help couples in birth control and give them guidelines regarding it!

Apart from these reasons, a gynecologist can also help you with stretch marks laser treatment in Dubai.